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    The housing directly behind the Hampton Inn, other hotels and shopping. This was not uncommon housing to see. In comparison th

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    Sunrise view from the Hampton Inn at the airport as we arose to head home.

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    Yes it rained a tiny bit but mostly at night and on this drive back to the airport. The drive from Quepos is about 4 hours.

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    Another one and we would have been fearful but when you see a full size tour bus use it first, you know it will hold the rental

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    ONe of the bridges on the main road between the airport and Quepos. The bridges are one lane old abandoned railroad structures.

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    At lunch in Quepos. Two dishes, chips and salsa, 2 beers each and all for $12.

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    The fire station in Quepos about 2 miles down the hill from the resort. This is the big city for this part of Costa Rica.

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    Another room present by the housekeeping staff.

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    Eric and Heather after defeating the beast.

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    Eric tackling the wild game.

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    Another view from the pool. I know there's a lot of them but it was so beautiful.

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    Back at the pool looking back towards the main bldg. Ours was the one behind the two palm trees.

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    A platform for one of the rapel stations across the ravine.

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    Eric in his designer head gear.

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    Heather in her designer safety gear.

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    Eric about to zip across.

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    A poisonous frog the guide caught and showed us. Their poison was the type put on spear and arrow tips to kill animals.

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    Heather on her first rapel ever and she loved it.

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    Heather coming down the first zip line.

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    Along the trail to the top to canopy we were shown the plants. This one is a walking palm because it slowly moves up the hillsi

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    A quck photo before we harnessed up and headed out.

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    Sitting in the arrival/eating area of the canopy tours company after about a 45 minute drive from the hotel. They picked us up,

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    The beach at Manuel Antonio looking back toward the point where our hotel is.

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    On another beach on the other side of the jungle park after a hike on the trail.

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    On the beach at the park with the jungle area behind.

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    A monkey on the trail less than 4 feet away. He appeared to be looking for a handout.

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    View of the ocean on a cliff at the highest point in the park on the hiking trail. About 100+ feet off the jagged shore line.

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    In the jungle at Manuel Antonio Park.

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    At the beach on the bay below our hotel.

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    View from the main bldg over the pool and Pacific Ocean.`

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