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    Oh what a 2fer sale. Why not get another.

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    It's a sun!

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    Eric getting his first tatoo, well a henna one anyway.

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    And yet more beach.

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    More beach.

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    The beach!!!

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    The disco, restuarant and stage area from our room.

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    The stage and bar area of the Riu.

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    The back side of the main building.

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    The water feature at night.

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    The waiter kidding around with the house wine.

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    The reciprocal photo at dinner.

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    Our first night at dinner.

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    View of sunset from our room across the Riu property.

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    View of the main building from our room window.

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    Sunset from the room.

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    View of the water feature facing toward the beach.

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    Heather wondering why I need yet another photo of her.

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    Riu from about 1/2 way to the beach.

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    Our room 2nd floor from the top.

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    Our room at the Riu PV.

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